1. 中国林业科学研究院木材工业研究所 北京 100091
2. 广东瀚秋智能装备股份有限公司 广东佛山 528308
中图分类号:TS664 文献标识码:B 文章编号:2096-9694(2024)04-0072-07
Research Progress on Technology of Decorative Skin-Tactile Surface for Panel Furniture
LIU Ru1,SUN Yuhui1,LONG Ling1,FU Qiuxia1, 2
1.Research Institute of Wood Industry,Chinese Academy of Forestry,Beijing 100091,China;2.Guangdong Purete Mechanical Co.,Ltd.,Foshan 528308,Guangdong,China
Abstract: With the development of technology and people’s living standards, consumers have shifted their perception of wooden home products from “visual” to “tactile”. Skin-tactile wood-based panel products have been developed quickly in recent years. This paper summarizes the recent research progress of technology of decorative skin-tactile panel furniture including the formation mechanisms of skin-tactile surface, production technology of the panel products, and the measurements. Meanwhile, the shortcomings were analyzed and comments were provided for the future developments of skin-tactile panel furniture.Key words: panel furniture; skin-tactile; surface decoration; wrinkled structures

图1 板式家具肤感表面的微纳米褶皱结构
Fig.1 Micro-nano wrinkled structure of skin-tactile surface on panel furniture







涂饰法以辐射膨胀法为肤感形成机制,将肤感涂料涂饰在人造板表面,利用辐射固化源刺激油漆成分自动排列,形成褶皱纹理[13]。因此,以涂饰法形成肤感表面主要是对涂料配方的筛选,使其在特定固化方法下形成具有褶皱的纹理结构。目前常用的涂料包括水性涂料、溶剂型涂料等挥发型涂料和辐射固化型涂料。辐射固化涂料的固化源包括紫外光(UV)、发光二极管(LED)联合准分子灯和电子束(electron beam,EB)等。

表1 172 nm准分子灯预固化光源的肤感涂料配方[22]
Tab.1 Formula of skin-tactile coatings pre-cured by 172 nm excimer lamp





表2 肤感等级分级
Tab.2 Grade leves of skin-tactile


⏩在准分子设备研究方面,目前的产品多限于平面产品,而对异型产品的开发较少,比如LED-准分子固化法可否应用于异面产品;目前仅应用波长172和254 nm的准分子设备,其余波长的准分子设备是否也可以实现肤感效果,以及其性能增强作用,有待于进一步探究。
⏩在产品方面,目前肤感产品由于表面褶皱对光的漫反射效果使其表面光泽度呈现哑光,对于其他光泽度产品的研究还相对较少,例如高光产品(60o光泽度大于85 GU)是否能够实现肤感效果,还有待于进一步研究。
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